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Spring Cleaning The Right Way!

The cold is breaking, the warmth is dawning, you’re getting feeling back in your fingers and toes, and it’s time to clean all those spaces the winter forgot. It’s SPRING CLEANING season, especially in current times.

Yay so exciting! Just kidding, few people look forward to deep cleaning their homes. But, if you clean the right way, it won’t feel like work. It can be simple, fast, fun, and low-impact for the environment. Here are the steps… 

Step 1: Turn up the music!

Just like when exercising, if you can’t hear yourself breathing you can go further. If you can’t hear yourself cleaning, you can clean more!

Step 2: Start with the simplest.

If you start with the worst, you will never start. Start with something simple. Clear the clutter off the counter. Wipe the kitchen counters. Load the dishwasher. Next thing you know, you are in it! One thing leads to another, and the deeper you can dive. 

Step 3: Go under the sink, and get your cleaning supplies.

Grab your Mach6 Glove, Nano Hedgehog Cloth, and/or your Sapphire Cloth. Time to rock! [Sidebar: All your Ha-Ra supplies are safe and chemical free, so you can store them under the sink without worrying about children getting into them!]

Step 4: Move from room to room.

You’re in the kitchen. Good! That gets the dirtiest. If all you get done today is the kitchen, you have succeeded! But keep pushing, after the kitchen is clean, take a break. Go sit down on the sofa… now you are in the living room… might as well clean that next! Get those windows with the Vario Window Cleaner Viva. Keep it going and just get all the windows in your home while you’re at it.

Step 5: Potty Break!

You’ve been working hard! Take a potty break. Annnnd while you’re in there, you might as well deep clean that bad boy too. Grab your Bathroom Kit from under the sink, and make your commode sparkle.

Step 6: Finally the floors!

When cleaning, always clean top to bottom, so all the extra dirt falls to the floor. Now, that you have thoroughly cleaned every area of the house, it’s finally time to clean the floors. You can use your Floor Perfect Nano Gold Soft Pad to get those to shine with ease.

Step 7: Tomorrow tackle the garage and grill.

You did a great job today. Throw in the towel…literally… 🙂 Tomorrow you can finish up with the outside stuff. You can break out your Green Glove and go to town on the patio, garage, and grill.

Speaking of green, did you notice not a single chemical was used in your entire spring cleaning adventure?! Now that is cleaning the right way! Congratulations! You are keeping your home and our home, Earth, clean at the same time. Thanks.

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