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Are You Ready for 2020?

So many deadlines, dreams, goals, plans, and aspirations slapped a date of 2020 on them as the year everything will finally be achieved! Well, here we are. You finally made it! The question is: are you ready? Did you achieve your goal? If so, congratulations!

If not, good news, there’s a loophole… we technically have until the end of 2020. We have less than 12 months to quit procrastinating and make it all happen. 

You can do it! We believe in you and are here to help. Going green, finding more time, and finally cleaning parts of the house that look like abandoned museum exhibits. Ha-Ra can cover you for all of those goals.

Here are the 3 ways you’ll know you are ready for 2020!

  1. You wrote it down. Whatever it is – goal, dream, plan, shopping list, whatever! Write it down now or as soon as you think of it. Digital screens have destroyed our short term memories. It has a 100% greater chance of happening if it’s written down. Journal, diary, notepad, smart phone app, kitchen wall, wherever. It’s gone otherwise.
  2. You have the supplies. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime… but only if he has a fishing pole, bait, and a bucket. He won’t achieve anything without the proper supplies. We often set goals but don’t get ourselves the supplies to achieve them.
  3. You know the ‘WHY’. Attaching the WHY makes it real. Makes it worth it. Makes it a story. Makes it memorable. Makes it happen! When we know why we are putting in the effort, we are more likely to do it. The more specific the why, the better.

Here’s an great example:

  1. Write down a list of the forgotten areas of the house that need cleaning.
  2. Get your Mach6 Glove, or Viva Mini Cloth, and restock your Ha-Ra supplies like your Blue Paste and Protective Formula.
  3. Why? Because you will finally be able to use those parts of the house again. It feels so good!

2020 is the end. The end of unfinished business. The end of excuses. The end of cleaning your house with chemicals. It’s the beginning of new goals, new dreams, new achievements, new clean, new life!  Are you ready? With Ha-Ra, you surely will be.

Happy New Year! Happy Achieving! Happy 2020! Happy Ha-Ra!

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